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Korenge – High Alpine touring – January 6th

A high alpine assault of KoRenge (2760m) didn’t disappoint! A beautiful morning saw a group of locals. plus Bill from Alaska and Hans from Norway hiking out from the top of Tsugaike to their target the top of Ko-renge.

The plan was to get up quickly following windblown ridge lines and descend south to SaruKura but a combination of early season unfitness, soft snow (not much wind during the last snowfall) and setting off 40 minutes later than planned meant we had to curtail the trip slightly.

We ended up dropping off the corniced north east ridge of Korenge. The first bowl started over 50 degress but mellowed out below into a wide open bowl followed by perfect powder down to the flats of Shizenin below. Heres a pic of the drop in below.

And some video of dropping in the same place.

Mat on Korenge from steep deep japan on Vimeo.

Matt on Korenge

All in all a pretty Sick day!


